800-321-0505 ramey@rameypi.com

Social Media Investigations

People are relying on social media and networking sites more than ever to give and exchange information with relatives, associates, friends and even strangers. By researching publicly available on-line content or commentaries, MR&A provides actable information to help satisfy the decision making needs of the legal, human resources, and insurance claims community.

We have developed the ability to deliver timely, pertinent, and useful subject-specific information with our Social Media Investigation (‘SMI’) services to lay a foundation for claim denial, uncover previously unknown or relevant claim information, detect supplementary income, or simply supply additional information for litigation all while saving you valuable time and resources. Rather than providing you a standard SMI, we customize our search for your particular needs and provided information such as hobbies, interests, social patterns, or community.

Each social media investigation is comprised of two main tiers: 1) free on-line resources, and 2) informational database sources. The on-line social media searches include but are not limited to the following:

  • Search engines (e.g., Google, Bing, etc.)
  • Social Networking Sites (e.g. Facebook, Google+, MySpace)
  • Professional Networking Sites (e.g. LinkedIn)
  • Blogs (various weblogs)
  • Microblogs (e.g. Twitter)
  • Message Boards / Forums / Comments
  • Media Sharing (e.g. YouTube, Flickr, Photobucket)
  • Organization affiliates (e.g. hobbies, sports)
  • Miscellaneous other sites (e.g., Classmates, organizational)

MR&A also incorporates case-by-case basic and/or extended informational database searches unique to that investigation based on review of the personal information. Informational database searches might confirm or uncover additional identifier information to otherwise expand free online searches for a more comprehensive social media investigation. We search for usernames and email addresses, often used across multiple social media platforms, thus broadening our results:

  • Name / Alias confirmations
  • DOB / SSN / Email addresses
  • Personal telephone numbers
  • Physical address history
  • Relatives / Housemates
  • Potential employment history
  • Corporate / business registration(s)
  • Basic criminal / civil action information
  • Tax liens and judgments